I really do think that the idea of 'men' and 'women' are social constructs, and have more of an idealogical basis and not biological. . Because we are taught to be men and women. Men are "supposed" to be macho/aggressive and not show their feelings and women are "supposed" to be dainty and emotional. We are provided with exaggerated sex role models in the media with stereotypes such as the strong hero and the damsel in distress. The only real 'differences' are the biological sexes of male and female which are anatomical differences and chromosome pair. The rest of it is all learned such as what is appropriate for one to like or dislike based on what society has decided for them, and it's flexible across different periods of time and geographical. These gender roles can be crossed and some times need to be because otherwise people end up being repressed by society because not everyone fits squarely into either category and attach ourselves to what other people deem "innapropriate" role models for someone of a different sex.
Here is a song by Musiq Soulchild "Teach Me How To Love" which came to mind when thinking about the prompt, where he describes what he was "taught" about being a man" and his vulnerability in trying to love a woman and asking her to help him let go of the facade of toughness.
Good choice! We'll play it in class.