Monday, February 6, 2012


The ideas of freud that struck me most were that of the unconscious and conscious minds and how we aren't fully aware of a lot of the things that drive us in our daily lives. Alot of things my family members do, I really can't begin to see why they are the way they are, even despite having a parallel childhood to theirs, because experience is very personal. So it's not just about what happened to them as children, but how it affected them, due to differences in age gender and prior experience. I sort of understand the allure of having someone similar to your parents as a partner because it's what you know and what was modeled for you growing up, but I dont understand how it works with people  who have unconventional families ( single parents, raised with relatives,  and so on), does it just apply to anyone in the role of a father/mother figure? It makes me think of the stereotypical kids on tv who have issues about yearning for that kind of afffection they didnt recieve growing up, which it seems may not ever be satiated, despite their efforts

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