Friday, February 3, 2012


In lecture we have touched upon Freud's theory on psychoanalysis. I never heard of Freud before, so his studies and theories were new to me. When he stated that children have desires at a young age, either to their self or towards their mother, I then realized my little brother Isaiah who is one year of age fits his studies. He cannot go anywhere without his mother or he is unsatisfied. It seems like he is in love with her on a different level; not on a son and mother level. He also finds pleasure in touching his private area, and his mom which is my step-mom just laughs and says he is so innocent and doesn't know what he is doing. I disagree because whenever I witness this certain action he has a certain facial expression on his face that makes me believe he knows that it's pleasurable. Now that I have learned what children really desire starting at such a young age according to Freud, I am never going to look at him in the same way when he plays with his private part. Freud's theories are forever going to be stuck to me like glue because they are so interesting. Everything that has to do with relationships within families I'm going to question.

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