Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I believe that ideologies of gender prove to be the very basis of nearly everything in our society. Family? There is a view that a family has to be conclusive of a mother, a father and a child. Mothers typically get custody over children and having two parents of the same sex is looked down upon. However in our contemporary society I believe that a family is defined as someone who will be there for you through anything, regardless of how you feel about that person. Advertisements and marketing these days are definitely gender specific- as we talked about in lecture, some ads are directed to make men feel more masculine and a lot of ads are angled at women cause they are essentially going to be doing the shopping in the family. Shopping is typically a feminine thing and men aren't supposed to enjoy shopping unless they're gay or "metro". It's unfortunate because I think that having great style and actually being able to dress yourself in the morning is a really attractive quality in a guy. Marriage and love are hot topics in our society because there are a lot of people who are still un-accepting to same-sex marriages and even love between the same sex. Basically, ideologies of gender impact nearly everything in our society whether we like it or not.

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