Sunday, January 22, 2012


In todays world the first thing that comes to my mind is the depression that the United States is in. I tie this into the meaning of todays revolution by the fact the people of United States have the "freedom of speech" and have the right to vote but that can only do so much when the real power is in the political positions that pass taxes, laws and so on. When this depression started I personally think of it as a revolution. At first when this depression occurred stories of acts of violence and people slaughtering their families so they wouldn't have to suffer were happening was all over the news but violence can only do so much in trying to create a new revolution. Getting a point cross in order for change is definitely going to be an "aggressive, forceful" act but I don't think the actual act for blood is necessary. When people were adapting to the revolution of the depression and figuring out that ones blood wont change the system we have today, people I believe as a whole became more intelligent in the United States. The pressure for getting a degree from a university has never been more important in todays society meaning only good things can come in the future with a higher intellectual and educated society. This brings me to the occupy movement I believe it is a very viable platform. The rebellion of thousands of people its what it takes to make news and get people to notice but it would be something more special if MILLIONS of MILLIONS people did such a thing to get a point cross. Todays system can ignore thousands in an occupy movement knowing that those people will eventually give up and move on with their lives but its really hard to maintain homeostasis with millions of people fighting the system. Any revolution should have the right to want change but they cant get greedy and want it all perfect but be understanding and accept what is changed for the better and adapt to the rest.

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