Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Beauty, Capitol, and Patriarchy

This week we discussed cosmetic surgery and I believe that it proves to show a great connection between beauty, capitol, and patriarchy. Women, over the ages have done a lot to obtain liberation. However, as Wolfe says, although they now have the power to vote and work out of the domestic household, they are still dominated by the notion of patriarchy. Women, unlike men, look to men and other individuals to judge their beauty. They always strive for a perfection that doesn't exist. And the industrial market economy has taken a great advantage of this vulnerability of women to comply with what they consider the demands of those around them to look not only pretty, but beyond that. Many plastic surgeons are earning a lot of money these days because women want to look more beautiful and go through plastic surgery. Plastic surgery has become a big source of capitol nowadays, which is influenced by a notion of patriarchy, or domination by man, who is the main judge for many women when it comes to beauty. Therefore, the relationship of beauty with capitol and patriarchy can clearly be visualized in society and results in the subordination of women by the market and men.

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