Sunday, March 25, 2012


I don't want to perpetuate unhealthy body images, but I don't think that the goal of accepting all shapes for a single individual is realistic or healthy as well.  I compare it to having a specific goal and to self-improvement, though just widening the scope of these goals would improve the means that women stretch to.  I do agree that we are fed an unreachable standard of beauty by the media in order to feed capitalist gain, but to blame everything on the media is trite.  People who want to look a certain way sometimes do it based on an internalized image; the most they gain from this is self-confidence.
I also feel influenced because I come from an Asian culture where body image issues and anorexia don't exist, but there is a specific ideal body type that everybody strives toward.  Instead of attaching negative emotions to negative body image, they see it simply as another trait.

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