Sunday, March 25, 2012

Susan Bordo

I agree with Susan Bordo that today's culture puts a great deal of pressure on women to be ridiculously skinny and compare themselves to an unrealistic ideal. I was very lucky to grow up in a household where my body weight was not criticized or questioned; my parents simply encouraged me to eat a healthy diet (with a healthy appetite). Personally, I am satisfied with my weight and physical appearance, probably because I was fortunate enough to have a supportive family who never pushed me to look like anyone else. Most of the girls I know, however, are worried about their appearance, and whenever weight is discussed someone inevitably sighs, "I'm so fat"--when they are obviously not obese. Why can't girls have a normal appetite and a normal body weight?! Honestly, when I look at the figures of female models I feel disturbed rather than admiring of their unhealthy skinniness, and can't imagine how males can find starving bodies to be attractive (or how other females can see them as something to be emulated). I am so sorry that this society is one that tells women they must restrict themselves and their hunger in order to chase an impossible (photoshopped) image of beauty. It shouldn't be happening.

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