Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mark Anthony Neal

In my opinion I agree with what Neal had to say regarding the over-generalization of black males when it comes to their sexuality. Since Nushawn Williams committed so many sexual acts with various women, society overgeneralizes that black men are too sexual and are more likely to commit sexual acts. In today's society because a bundle of black people are loud and "ghetto", the other races place a permanent "fact" that all black people are loud and ghetto, which is not true because I am an exception. I know how to be civilized when its necessary. On to the point about hip hop music influencing young black males is 100% true, all the guy friends that I have that are interested in music think they can go through life without a college education and fall back on a music career. I would rather want to see my race getting an education and not satisfying the myths that are placed upon them.

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