Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Race Card Project

"We shall all be equal someday."
 I believe that although we still have racial issues here in the United States, and elsewhere in the world, alot of good progress has been made from the past. And i believe that any progress at all, whether it be small or big, is good because it impacts lives, and has the potential to make a difference in an individuals life. It can save a life, change a life, and influence lives of individuals who seek to influence other people's life. We have come such a long way, from being completely unequal--where a minority (Blacks) were considered slaves, to having equal rights under law in the constitution. Although we cannot change individualistic views, we can influence them not only through governmental laws that seek to provide equal opportunity to all, but also through education and changing people's cognitions and fears. I feel like we have come a long way from slavery, to voting rights, and now a black president. This creates hope in the future, that someday, every person will view another not through their race or judge another individual on the basis of race.


  1. I like your race card a lot! In conjunction with your description of the race card, it becomes very inspirational and gives a great sense of hope.

  2. I really like your race card. And I agree with you that we have made a lot of progress from the past. But I still think every one of us should try harder to stop discriminating.
