Sunday, April 22, 2012

Take away message

I thought this class was extremely enlightening and very interesting, for I had never delved into the implications of gender and masculinity/femininity in today's society.  My overall take away message from the class is to just be conscious and aware of others' situations and strive for tolerance and equality.  Although the message is broad, I think that all topics we covered in this class relate to this motto - sexuality, masculinity, femininity, domestic labor, and race relations.  As mentioned in a previous blog post, this class tends to present a problem in society, but fails to offer solutions, so one of the most important things we can do (in my opinion) is to spread awareness on the problems in hopes of instilling tolerance and acceptance in society.  This in itself will help solve many problems of racism, bias, and intolerance.


  1. I agree, if we do not recognize that we have a problem, it is going to be difficult to fix. Once we are able to see the problems in race, gender, sexuality, and class, we can strive to make society a more positive place.

  2. Yes I agree this class makes us question many things in society. It proposes possible problems that many individuals are unaware off and requires us to question certain beliefs and ideologies. I believe that in order to find solutions we need to know the problem which this class defines.
