Monday, April 23, 2012

Take Away

I'm glad this course re-educated me on the definition of feminism.  I understand the roles society has created for gender better and do see it a lot of my life now; smaller things such as the products I buy and the characters from the movies I see remind me of the concepts I learned in this class.  Sometime, I do feel a little bit self-conscious about my choices because they do follow a lot of what society expects of femininity, but I've learned to stop caring about gender constructs.  I realized it's not about fitting into any role, but keeping myself from being pressure to consider them in terms of separate categories.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with your take away and it's actually kind of funny because I believe you said exactly what I was trying to say in my blog, but in a more direct and clear way. It's hard to think about how a lot of the "choices" we make seem to fall into what "society expects of femininity," but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. You like what you like, it's just about question why you like these things a little more and thinking a little more critically about them. I'm definitely on the same page as you!
