Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Take home message from course

The main take home message i got from this course, in addition to concepts on gender roles, is actually something we talked about in discussion today. Although I consider it only one take home message, it is something that i think is very interesting and that i will remember in the long run. As a girl, I always was fascinated by Disney movies, as are most girls i suppose. However, it was not until this class that i truly analyzed what the Disney movies portrayed-- from both lecture, discussion, and the readings. I learned that Disney movies not only display an image for a women that is unreachable but also a stereotype of the female that is a part of society. I say "unreachable" since the main female leads are always beautiful, skinny, princesses who end up with their prince charming happily ever after; this is not accurate in real life as we can see with the constant divorce rates and quarrels in dating/marriage. I also think that it portrays a stereotype of women being dependent on men and as domestic housewives doing housework. This is one message that i will take from this class: that even Disney movies are representative of gender roles in society.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your thoughts on this but once again what could be a substitute for Disney? Where would girls get their hopes from? One can't raise her child with the truth of divorce rates and rude men and that there's a few chance of finding 'the one'. If such a thing where to happen suicide rates would go up.
