Monday, April 16, 2012

Domestic Workers

I have never had a nanny or a maid at my house, but when I was in elementary school in Taiwan, a cleaning lady in her 60s would come to my house once every week and swipe the floor, windows, and also clean the bathrooms. My family’s relationship seems was pretty nice with her. Every time she saw me she would ask how I am doing and give me a warm smiling face. Sometimes, I would visit my friend who has a Pilipino maid at her house. The maid cleans their house and helps maintaining their garden. Her relationship seems to be pretty good with my friend’s family. Once in a while my friend’s mom would buy some of her favorite food for her, such as fried chicken. The costs of labor in Taiwan are extremely low and the domestic workers are treated well. It was a shock for me after seeing clips from “Maid in USA” because I have never seen maids treated as hostile as the maid in the movie.

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