Monday, April 23, 2012

Take home message

This class made me more aware of gender ideologies, and how it seems that as a society, we hold on to stereotypes about men and women that are not always true. We classify people according to male or female, and many times it is difficult to move past that category because of the way people view others according to their gender. I also saw how gender is a societal construction, fiercely upheld by society: from the way fathers discourage their sons from playing with toys that may be feminine in any way, to how men discourage undesirable behaviors by calling them gay. These types of thoughts are everywhere and the only way to escape them is to realize they are present and try to change our outlooks on them. The problem is that most people do not even realize they possess these ideologies because they are so engrained in us from birth that they seem natural, or even biological, not socially constructed.

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