Thursday, April 12, 2012

Women--Domestic workers.

I have never personally had a domestic worker employed at my home. However, whenever i go visit back to my country, and went to my friends and families houses, there were domestic workers always employed. However, the circumstances there were a little different than what we have been discussing in lecture. We have discussed domestic workers in one context-- as those who leave everything behind and travel to america to start a new life and earn (most for their families back home). However, what i witnessed was a number of domestic women workers who lived in the same city constantly coming to my family and friends houses and working for them. At times they used to live in the house, but most were close to their own families and friends and didn't have to travel far to meet them. In addition, many formed good friendships with my family and friends. I know, however, from the context with which we have discussed domestic workers in class and from the clip we saw in discussion, that many domestic workers have to sacrifice a huge amount and then don't get paid enough for the job they do. This personally reminds me of marx's critique of capitalism--where workers don't get the profit they work for. A similar story is portrayed through domestic workers who come to America to work; the clip showed this. The black girl ended up doing work she didn't expect she was going to do after sacrificing an enormous amount and being excited endlessly about getting a job, an opportunity, which in the end she questioned.

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