Monday, April 23, 2012

Looking Back

I think some of the things that really stuck with me from this last semester were things like, structures of feminity and masculinity, the differences that race can have on these structures, and of course, the talk about body image.  However I've gotta say, the thing thats stuck with me the most was the final book we read, by Orenstein.  The whole princess culture and pink culture really hit home with me since interactions with said culture basically defined my entire childhood, and will probably help define the way I choose to raise my daughter some day.  How to balance my love for all things Disney, with my understanding that such an obsession has many negative connotations.  It was a real eye-opener for me.  I really appreciated this class as it helped me to see every day interactions in a new light, and while I may not have been given a solid answer on how to fix the problems i see, at least I can now recognize that theyre there.

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