Thursday, April 12, 2012

Women as Domestic Workers

I missed this discussion section, so I never saw the clip regarding the maid and her employers, so instead I'm just going to write about the topic as a whole. Women as domestic workers is something I have experienced my entire life. Growing up in Dubai, there is not one household that doesn't have a full-time or part-time maid; and it is almost always a woman. Why? Because the cost of labor in Dubai is extremely low, and there are so many immigrants looking for jobs that it is hard to resist. The maids I came across were all treated extremely well, having worked for their individual families for many years and therefore having extremely close bonds to the kids. However, I did hear many stories regarding the ill-treatment of maids, which usually led to their abandonment of the family or disappearance altogether. When someone agrees to come into your home and take care of your housework, and especially if they are taking care of your kids, I can't see how people could in any way think it's okay to not treat them as if they are family. They do your dishes, wash your clothes, clean you toilets; if it wasn't for them your life would probably be a mess (metaphorically and literally). It has been said that a lot of stress that builds up within families comes from the amount of housework that constantly needs to be done everyday, housework that no one actually wants to do. If anything maids are saving marriages from falling apart, and they should be greatly thanked.

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