Sunday, April 22, 2012

Take home message

What I have learned from this class was not only concepts on gender roles but also different views regarding something I haven't recognized before. For example, As everyone does, I also like Disney movies. Until this class, I've never even imagined what the Disney movies really portrayed. Who can even realize the Disney movies actually display an appropriate image for a women and also delivers stereotype about the female to the world. For example, in the Disney movies, the main female characters are always very beautiful and well-shaped. As a result, girls just believe they should also have such skinny and well-shaped body which is not good for their health. One of the main message I got from this class is that even though we haven't realized so far, we have been exposure by media which encourages stereotype of women and it delivers misunderstanding  of gender roles in society.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the media causes us to undervalue and objectify women. I always knew about it.but I never thought at about on this deep of level. I have much greater appreciation for the struggle that women and minorities go through.
