Sunday, January 15, 2012

The 10 Commandments

My family and I has always been a heavy, rock hard for Christ since I could remember.. My parents fed us the word as much as they could, so when it is our time to go into the world by ourselves, we would know how to act and portray the word of God to others. In the Bible there are 10 rules that God wants us followers to abide by, they are called the 10 Commandments. Not only do one has to believe in Jesus Christ and know that he died on the cross for our sins to be accepted, we also have to live right and be faithful. These commandments that are listed in the book are guides that help us in our lifetime, in our fleshly stage. By following these rules our lives would be much easier and wouldnt have to worry as much. Many positives outcomes will follow if one just follow his rules. I try my best to abide by the 1o commandments because I want to live a happy, worry free life, and meet my Father in Heaven.

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