Sunday, January 29, 2012


Our ideologies are apparent in every spect of our culture bedcause they are the most convenient ways to address a target audience. A company creates a childs toy to be pink in order to conveniently and effectively attract the attention of girls everywhere. Not every single girl will want the item due to the fact that it has been made pink, yet enough will that it justifies the action. The population goes along with it because it allows for simple and clear sterotypes. The existence of anamolies is recognized and often allowed, yet the ideologies remain because of their convenience and empirically proven permanence.
The ideologies we have place for our culture have been built on hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years of behavior. Although roles have changed and women have been accepted into the workforce and other areas like voting and property ownership, the ideologies have been in place for so long that it becomes difficult, though not impossible, to alter them in any significant manner. As history has shown us, it takes more than a movement to change the minds of people everywhere. A black man can sit at a lunch counter meant only for white men, or a black woman can refuse to forfeit a seate on a bus for a white person; however it is another matter entirely for a population to agree that they have the right to. Women may be fully capable of holding the same position as a man, but to convince an employer of that is often a much more complicated undertaking.

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