Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sojourner Truth

A manifesto I ascribed to was Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” not because I am a woman of color or have been repeatedly mistreated due to race or class, but because I agree with her point that the rules and laws that govern society should not have blatantly unfair exceptions. Although we have made noticeable strides to legally abolish class distinctions and racial segregations, I think that Sojourner Truth’s manifesto speaks to the societal perspective as a whole. People who consider Truth’s observations that all humanity stems from the same origins will be more likely to treat each other with respect that they, themselves wish to be treated with. Thus, humanity will be more inspired to participate in acts of kindness and move towards a friendlier, more peaceful world. In short, I admire Sojourner Truth’s manifesto because it not only stands the test of time by still being relevant today, but it has the ability to speak to everyone and communicate notions of equality and righteousness for humanity.

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