Sunday, January 15, 2012

Black Panther Party

I really liked most of what the Black Panther Party Manifesto pointed out. I agreed with many of their beliefs and liked how over the years they altered the platform and included the well-bring  of other oppressed  people and minorities as well as the Black community into their beliefs. The October 1966 Platform and March 1972 Platform differed in that the October 1966 Platform addressed concerns of just the Black Community while the March 1972 platform incorporated all people that they felt were oppressed. I agreed with the beliefs that they should have freedom, education, healthcare, and other benefits that made them equivalent with other members of society. However, I felt like some of the claims were too demanding. For instance, releasing all Black  men held in prison is too strict of a demand to be met. So, for the most part, I feel that their is a justification for their beliefs. However, some of their beliefs are extreme.

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