Sunday, January 22, 2012


Things are changed. However, if people believe the things only can be changed when they use force, then a revolution occurs. A revolution always bring conflicts and violence between people because the revolution is usually against for the value which its society have pursued. For example, same-sex marriages have always been controversial in this society. About 10 years ago, it seemed almost impossible that same-sex marriage advocate would be protected and save their right. However, currently 6 states officially allow the same-sex marriages. It is a great revolution which the advocates have dreamed. They have fought for a long time against for prejudice and violence from the public. I think, sometimes, the equality and freedom of minority in society can be achieved only by a revolution rather than peaceful changes. If we just let this society adapt them by itself without any force, It will take forever because people tend to dislike the change of their value.    

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