Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gender and Capitol

Gender inequalities are reduced in today’s society and family wage is no longer based on sexual division of labor. However, many ideologies of gender roles and capitols still remain. It true that women’s labor force increased and women’s wages are equivalent to men’s, but women are still primarily responsible for household labor. In advertisements, women and men are still portrayed doing the stereotypical roles; men are the workers while women are housewives who cook, do housework, and take care of children. The ideology of a typical household with wife and children dependent upon a male breadwinner still remains. Also, ads ensure that women are portrayed housewives and mothers in the family. Women are also shown in advertisements and commercials as teachers and nurses, based on the stereotypical nurturing roles that women play in these jobs. However, nowadays women also take on non-nurturing jobs. These show that today ideologies of gender and capitol still remain.

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