Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ain’t I A Woman (Sojourner Truth)

I am a man, but the manifesto of Sojourner Truth, Ain't I A Woman, was enough interesting to ascribe. Personally, I believe a man and a woman are equal since they have the same origins, so I could understand her point easily while reading it. As Sojourner Truth speaks, I believe we should treat each other with respect to save our humanity. We all want to be treated from other people with respect. To be treated like that way, we should treat other people with respect first. This is very simple way to inspire people to be kind each other and make the world peaceful. No fight will occur if we can keep this simple rules shown in Sojourner Truth's manifesto. I like the manifesto of Sojourner Truth because it inspires everyone to think about the true equality of human and reminds them humanity is the best value people should pursue. 

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