Sunday, January 22, 2012

The 21st Century

In a time such as ours, when the worlds population is increasing at a rate of 78 million people a year and the amount of technical information is doubling every two years, we don't have time to peacefully solve our problems. Yes, in an ideal world this would be the best solution: to sit down with our enemies and find a common goal that would satisfy all parties involved. However, our world is evolving at such a rapid rate that every decision we make today affects the children of tomorrow. Therefore, if something needs to be fixed in the world, action needs to be taken today. Revolutions can be torturous for many families around the world as loved ones put their lives in danger to fight for what they believe in, but it is a way that people of today make people of yesterday listen to what needs to be fixed. The idea of change is rarely pleasing among people of power, so if they wont agree to listen we need to make them listen. This is why revolutions are increasing in popularity as the 21st century progresses. New ideas are forming everyday while old views are growing extinct. This is an era of change, and we have the strength to fight the populations that are unwilling to evolve with the world. So if you feel compelled, stand up and make yourself heard; it's the only way to better the world of tomorrow.

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