Sunday, January 22, 2012

Effective Revolutions

The question of a revolutions dependence upon violence for success is based on multiple factors; the most important of which is the scale of the revolution. Change can be made through passive means when relative improvement is trivial. However, for a major change to occur, physicality is necessary. It is not enough to speak of the desired goals without moving into action and pursuing them. With any movement there will be a counter and without some amount of force, no progress can be made to overcome the opposition. The static condition of the world with which protestors are dissatisfied cannot be altered without the introduction of a new impulse. This is most effectively achieved through violence for large scales. It is inefficient to attempt to discuss with and convince others into agreeing with and supporting new ideas. That may be sufficient when the opposition is a couple hundred people or less. However with a movement such as feminism that is attempting to convert roughly half of the population; large scale events that can quickly reach out to thousands, or millions, of people are a necessity.

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