Sunday, January 22, 2012


Black feminists have to fight for the issues concerning the equal rights for woman. But they also have to be involved in the fight for liberation of oppressed people including man. They should be carefull so that they can't be seen as distancing themselves in the struggle against the liberation of everyone. They have to fight with the men on issues including the liberation of all people, but they also have to fight for the issues that involve the relationship between man and woman. The oppresion is systematic. It comes through sexism, class, capitalism and other forms. Woman in Born in Flames protested peacefully but the status quo was not changing. In order to change the status quo they used violence. It does not mean that violence is always a result of the protest against legitimate issues. There are also opportunists that will use violence to fullfill their desires during the protest. But overall people use violence because they don't feel that their voices are heard.

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