Saturday, January 21, 2012


Do we need a revolution? Not now. Do I think we can revolt without violence? No, probably not. In class we were discussing whether or not it would be possible to have a revolution without violence. Initially I thought, well of course! But as I thought further and as the discussion developed, I realized it would be nearly impossible. The problem with revolutions is the fear of "the man". I think those being revolted against are afraid that we could actually get somewhere and make changes. For example, my thoughts fluttered to all of the occupy movements, specifically the one at UC Davis. There's a horrendous video that shows the drastic measures taken by the police force against a group of students protesting. These students were refusing to move from the path, however causing no harm to anybody. The police took violent action by pepper spraying all involved. Not only was it painful to watch, it was painful to imagine myself in their situation. People around the world stand up for the things they believe in all the time and get punished by "the man" or whomever they are standing against. To launch a full-scale revolution is something that actually frightens me. Take Libya for instance. Last year, the overthrow of the government was something of inspiration, yet I couldn't watch the news reported on it. Things got extremely out of control and I don't think we need anything along those lines at the moment. Our government is doing fine and we can express our liberties just fine. If something drastic changed in the negative direction, maybe then we could CONSIDER a revolution, but I don't see that in the future of the country. We were built on freedom and I don't think anyone would allow the government to become too controlling. It's in the history books.

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