Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gender and Capitol

Even today, when the gender inequalities have significantly been reduced as a result of feminist movements, I believe there seems to be some ideologies that have remained in effect. Although women today have more opportunities than they have had in the past, there seems to still be barriers between the two genders, even at the workplace. For example, it is very rare that I see women construction workers. This may be because most women themselves may see themselves as not physically suitable for the job or it may be that employers know that men would be better at the job. I believe that something like this is a controversial issue. Most employers would like to hire workers that do the job efficiently and it has been theorized in science that men are physically stronger. So this raises the question whether hiring males as construction workers over women is because of gender discrimination or simply because they want more profit and their work to be done quickly and employers are relying on the science theory that men are stronger. Another present day situation is that women are still considered to be primary caretakers for children in households even if both partners are holding jobs, and even if the woman in the house earns more.  This shows that the ideology that women are domestic caretakers still remains; however now they play an active role outside the household as well. In addition, many advertisers today target women in ads, whether it is an item for anyone or anything; they seem to attribute the term “consumer” with women mostly. So, even today many of the ideologies of gender and capitalism are connected and remain standing .

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