Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gender and Capital

Gender roles have progressively diminished as we've moved throughout history. Today, the lines that separate what men and women can do are closer than ever. An example of this can be seen in the demographic change of the labor force. While there are less women in high-senior level paying jobs than men, women now outnumber men in the workforce. As time progresses, we will see the number of women in executive positions increase. Sexism has diminished in the workplace, but the advertising campaigns that most of these companies use support traditional genders, like the male breadwinner and the nurturing mother. Car commercials and 401k plans are geared toward a male consumer, while cleaning products and food often portray a mother taking care of her family. The stereotypes used in these advertisements  certainly do not characterize the majority of people, but they do portray an the image of the "Classic American Family, which many people connect with and strive to fulfill.

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