Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Defining Sexuality

After having taken this class for almost two months now, I find it difficult to believe in the concept of sexual rigidity. As Hanne Blank emphasizes in Straight, each individual member of our society has their own personal sexual desires, which are capable of changing and adapting to new situations and environments he or she is introduced to. Thus, why would we even try to categorize sexuality? There is an endless amount of possible people, animals, objects etc. that we as a species could find sexually attractive, so in reality, the not-so-clearly-defined labels of “heterosexual” and “homosexual” only apply to a small, specific group of people in our world. On top of that, the fact that peoples’ sexual desires are susceptible to change adds to the idea that it is impossible, and essentially pointless, to even attempt to define one’s sexuality.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post, and I agree that we shouldnt try so hard to "label" people's sexualities as well all simply have different preferences which are subject to change.
