Monday, February 27, 2012

Masculinity and Hegemony

Masculinity is certainly fueled by hegemony. Males have dominated many areas of society, such as the workplace, and the very definition of hegemony is domination by a specific social group. However, I do not believe that hegemony is exclusive to masculinity. I think that the desire for power and domination is an inherent characteristic in humans. The dominance simply changes from being the most skilled hunter and leader of your community to being the CEO of a powerful company. Men have achieved a version of hegemony in our society, but even this version is changing. Women too are now acting on their desire for power and protesting their inferiority. More and more women are claiming their spots in the workplace and rising to the top, beating out men. Hegemony, as I see it, is a desire for power and dominance. Men are not the only ones who thirst for that degree of power.

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