Sunday, February 12, 2012

Men and Women

When first thinking about men and women, I believe that I have been conditioned to think that men are the active breadwinners in the family structure while the women are supposed to support the men emotionally and provide the backbone for the family structure. However, I said that I have been conditioned to think this because of my own personal experience: my dad works and my mom is a homemaker. But when contemplating why we have come to accept such a societal/gender structure, I thought back to the origins of humanity. We talk a lot in class about the hunter/gatherer era. I feel as if men, having it to be easier to build muscle, were more focused on one thing: hunting. Therefore, their brains and bodies developed to have a more narrow focus (not to say that men cannot be well-rounded). Women, on the other hand, having the multiple responsibilities of child rearing, clothing making, etc evolved to be more well-rounded and have a broader range of foci (again, not to say that a woman cannot excel in one area). That being said, I do believe there are differences in men and women, but I believe that the actual state of being a man or a woman should not be segregated as much as it is, for we are all human. Acknowledging the differences (AND similarities) between men and women will provide a solid foundation for accepting these disparities and thus, provide a basis for the state of being a man or a woman to be equal.

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