Sunday, February 12, 2012

Men and Women

Most of our gender differences results from biological reasons, yet, these biological reasons tend to change into and become ideologies. For example it is scientifically known that men are better at math and sciences due to a part of their brain's being larger than the one in a woman's brain. But there is a fact that women are better at creativity as well. These biological facts are turned into ideologies that man are smarter and thus get the better jobs. Why? Because the 'real' jobs like business require better math and science skills. And because everyone has a bit of creativity within them. Another example is about men having stronger bodies than women, which is biologically true. But there are some cases were some women are stronger than some men. And an ideology is made from this biological reason, saying that men are more dominant beings, because they are stronger and bigger, thus they have more control, especially over women.


  1. I completely agree with you that biological reasons are the most important factor that makes a huge difference between men and women. Even though women are better than men in some areas, but we are always taught than men are superior to women.

  2. I wonder about these biological explanations about gender difference and creativity. If men are less creative than women, why are most creative jobs in the film, television, fashion, cooking, filled with more men than women?
