Sunday, February 5, 2012

Freud- Psychoanalysis

After reading Freud, I have not changed the way I act in life. However, I now understand more about why I do the things I do, especially when it comes to my relationship with my parents. Although I don't act differently towards them, I seem to look at them in a different light. I now understand more about why I idolize my father so, and why I cherish their strong relationship. In my subconscious, I see their relationship as being my future. If they can find a lifetime of happiness so can I. I've also started to notice the little things I do that are the exact traits of my mother. I never used to notice the way I sit at the breakfast table or my interest in watching the cooking channel. Both of these, along with many other qualities, relate directly to my mother. She has been more of an idol to me then I ever realized before. Both her and my father have set the bar for how I want to live my life. And I'm so glad it's their footsteps I get to follow.

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