Sunday, February 12, 2012

Difference between a man and a woman

A man is someone who has a penis only. His sex organs are extended outside his body. He doesn't develop breast at his maturity. There are no babies growing in his woumb. He can be straight, bisexual or gay but he is still a man. A woman is someone with vargina and clitories. His sexual organs are flat and they are partly inside. She conceives and get babies. She develops breast at maturity. My ideology in a definition of a woman and a man plays an important part in viewing them. I inteprete a man and a woman according to my upbringing. I never consider that there could be people who have a man's or woman's body but woman's and man's mind respectively. There are people who shoots blanks because they don't generate sperms but I never thought how they should be named. But reading in this class has made me aware that such people exist. If you look down on science man don't just have XY and woman have XX; some men can have XXY. How do you define such people? My thoughts are still defining someone with a penis as a man and someone with a virgina as a woman. I'm confused how to define people who are transgendered. Does someone who changes his genitals also changes his definition fo being a man or a woman?

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