Thursday, February 16, 2012


This week in class one of our readings was Hanne Blank's, "Straight. The surprisingly short history of heterosexuality" in which Blank examined the history of sexuality and if there was just one way of looking at relationships. We tend to put people into various different categories, thinking everything is black and white, when there are so many possibilities out there. I believe that this was one of Blank's points. She also discussed how even though heterosexuality had always existed, it never got a true label until the 1860s. Even after, the term itself went through many changes. People used to view heterosexuality as a negative term and slowly over time it became considered "normal." 
In response to the blog prompt for this week, I consider being "open to your sexuality" to mean to embrace who you truly are and what you feel and not to doubt yourself. I believe that many individuals worry about what others think about them not only in terms of sexuality but in every aspect of life. Many attempt to be their best and meet the standards that society expects of them. In the video clip we watched, the guy was "gay " for one person (i don't remember his name), according to the girl in the clip and said it openly without hesitation. I believe in today's society many individuals have difficulty accepting their sexuality. Many think of the rigidity that society puts upon sexuality-- many think that you are expected to be a certain way, and thats the only way that is right.  Some people are scared of being what they feel like being--That is why it is said that you act one way with yourself and another with the world.


  1. for me, i think being "open to your sexuality" is allowing yourself to doubt yourself. you might think you know the answers and you just might not. yes, you need to trust your instincts but i don't think you should shun a thought that might contradict with your previous perceptions

  2. I completely agree with you that in today's society there are a lot of people who don't accept their sexuality just because they are worried about what other people are going to think about them. And there are many people who try to be in a way that society wants them to be.
