Sunday, February 19, 2012


I do not think that the fluidity of sexuality has changed throughout history. People are going to be attracted to whichever people they feel a connection too, and that wasn't any different in the 1900's than it is today. However, it is our perception of the fluidity of sexuality that continues to adjust and evolve through time. Whether for the better or worse, we continue to change our perception of society and the rules that govern us; we can only hope that we are moving forward to a future where people are judged by who they are rather than who they love. I do not believe that there are any implications of alleviating the restrictions that we have on sexuality. If people want to be open with their sexuality and experience love with many different types of people, male and female included, then that should be their own choice. We are not responsible for the actions of others; in the same way we are not forced to experience anything we do not want to experience. Therefore, if we grow up feeling a connection to the monogamous life, then we are not forced to be sexually adventurous just because the world allows it. However it is also not fair to restrict people to a monogamous lifestyle if that is not something that suits them. As long as people are informed of the possible implications of sexual behavior, be it hetero or homo, then they should be allowed to take whichever path to love that they desire. We now live in a society that has progressed passed the judgement of sexuality. Arguments can be made that homosexual behavior as well as polygamous sexuality can bring harmful diseases, but this same argument can be made about heterosexual monogamy. We know enough now about health to know that we do not need to live in a world of fear regarding sexual behavior. People should be free to make their own decisions, judgments aside. After all, who we love doesn't define who we are.

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