Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hegemony vs. Masculinity

This past week we read "Masculinities" by Connell. There was a great discussion about masculinity and how it pertains to men and women. I believe that Masculinity and Hegemony are synonymous and intertwined within each other. Hegemony represents a dominant power and Masculinity and man seems to represent this notion. So, with that being said Masculinity is Hegemony. In the past and somewhat even today, there has been a constant ideology portrayed in society that man is dominant and powerful, due to the masculine traits he displays, wheras women is more submissive and passive, which is portrayed through her feminine characteristics: being warm, caring, handling domestic things. This notion also proves that hegemony and femininity have an "opposite" alternate relationship. In today's society, the dominant notion of men still remains to a degree: men are still considered more physically strong, and responsible for providing income in the household (active), although there are women have proved this notion incorrect and shown that men is not necessary the primary income earner for the family and that they don't need a man to be active and take care of their family.

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