Sunday, February 5, 2012


Freud's theories mostly focus on unconscious mind and I am actually familiar with Psychoanalysis due to my younger brother. My younger brother was a junior golf player. Even though he does not play anymore, but he was a pretty good golf player when he was in high school. However, he had one serious problem that he had always felt too much emotional pressure at the final round of the game. It was not a physical problem which he could train. It was all about his mental. My parents finally decided to bring him to Psychologist to get some advice solving his problems. Psychologist talked with my brother for a long time and analyzed his unconscious action and feeling. Psychologist said the conscious and unconscious actions of my brother are what precipitate his future actions in the game. According to his analysis, since many players compete in the game until the final round, my brother had a subconscious fear of the competition. That’s what had pressed my brother. The psychologist consulted my brother to have unconscious desires for winning from the competition instead of fear. I am not sure if the psychologist was right, but my brother was getting better while playing a golf after several times of the consultations.

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