Saturday, February 4, 2012


Psychoanalysis isn't a new concept for me. I took AP Psychology my senior year of high school and even though my teacher wasn't the greatest, we focused a lot on Freud and his concepts of unconscious, the oedipal complex, etc. To say that I saw things in my life differently after I learned about Freud is right, I guess. I think the most interesting thing is the unconscious. When I have dreams that I can't possibly relate to anything in my life I think about my unconscious and what it might be yearning for. In terms of the rest of his concepts though, the "talking cure" is probably the other I find most interesting. It's interesting to me in that I always feel the need to talk it out. Hell, I've wanted a therapist many times in my life so I could have someone listen to my problems. When something happens to a friend of mine, I always offer my ears to listen to them. To think that all this was Freud's doing is quite interesting. Without Freud we wouldn't have therapy and who knows what could have gotten screwed up without it.

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