Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hegemony and Masculinity

Im not entirely sure that I have a full understanding of masculinity yet, but I would agree that it has a a very close relationship with hegemony.  I think there are certain things which might tip the balance of power between men and between men and women in the eyes of masculinity/hegemony.  Age for example.  If the man is older than the woman then there is rarely any kind of threat to his masculinity or his position of power, but if the woman is older, even slightly, the power balance tends to be distributed a little differently (either because the woman is more confident in her experience, or because the man is simple over-conscious of his lack thereof).  This of course may be completely nonsensical, as it is quite possible that the age difference is very small or the younger has actually experienced more while the older was really quite sheltered.  Yet sometimes even just the number difference can tip the balance and create a reaction.  I dont know how far this extends however...

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