Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ideology and Biology-- Man and Woman

To me, I believe that man and woman are equally capable of achieving whatever they strive for. I see no difference between the two besides biology. Both have the potential to achieve, and to learn from each other equally and the world. In today's society, both man and woman have come to have more equal representation than they had ever before. However, people still maintain the ideology of the past, that woman should have more responsibility in the domestic field. Ideology and biology, I believe overlap and are interconnected. When a baby is born and it is identified as a girl or a boy, I believe that ideology is already effective from that one moment. Mothers wrap a girl in pink blankets and dress them in what is referred to as "girly" colors. There is this ideology present that differentiates girls and boys from childhood in what they do, wear, and almost everything. However, I believe, as people grow older they start to try things and expose themselves to different things. They question things around them and wonder why they have to act a certain way. And from this class, so far I have learned that without this questioning, we may not have been able to stand where we are today. So much has changed from the past and we have gotten closer to removing that stereotype that differentiates men and women's capabilities.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the greatest difference between men and women is biology. Other than their biological differences, perhaps "gender" is merely something that society has constructed. Since humans tend to take after others, society's ideologies of gender have likely been passed down from generation to generation, and the construction of gender becomes our reality.
