Sunday, February 19, 2012


I think that in our society the fluidity of sexuality is more lenient for women than it is for men, atleast openly, and men's sexuality *appears* to be more rigid.  Alfred Kinsey believed that there are few 100% straight/ gay people, but most people lie between the extremes. There are men who have sex with men but have relationships with women, and vice versa, as well as bisexuals and people who are gay for pay or straight for pay. It seems like straight men are attracted to the idea of women doing homosexual acts, yet are repulsed by men doing homosexual acts because they are afraid of losing their masculinity, or how they will be seen by others. Placing stigma on it doesnt always make it go away, but instead confines it into a closet.  I think we grow attached to what we identity as and thats why some people may be guarded towards experimentation, if i were to like the sex opposite of what i find attractive, i think it would be confusing because I've already grown attached to my identity.

1 comment:

  1. I think your analysis about sexuality being more fluid for women and more rigid for men is spot on. It's also a complete double standard, I think. For example, guys usually encourage female to female intimacy, whereas women don't typically encourage male to male intimacy or seek it out. If/when women witness male to male intimacy they may feel nothing, completely undisturbed, or they may feel uncomfortable and bothered. However, if/when men witness female to female intimacy, "straight" men typically have a positive reaction to this type of encounter.
