Thursday, February 2, 2012

Freud- Psychoanalysis

So this week we spent alot of time talking about Freud. Although I had heard about Freud before and that he had a theory, psychoanalysis, I never really looked at his work and knew what he was trying to portray or what his theory was really about. However, from the week's readings, discussion, and class I have gained a much more deeper knowledge about Freud's beliefs and psychoanalysis. Now, I see a wide range of applications of Freud's theories in life. Whenever I see a child, I think of what Freud said regarding children; that children too display sexuality to a degree; maybe not in the way older individuals too but they still represent it according to Freud. I have a little cousin who always sucks her thumb. Before reading Freud, I had never really thought of why little kids do that; it seemed like a habitual thing for many and i never questioned or sought any reasoning for it. However, Freud see's that when children are "sucking their thumb," they are displaying a form of sexuality. They too have motives and desires. Now, I will never see my little cousin the same way when she is sucking her thumb. I will probably think about Freud's psychoanalytic theory at that point.

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