Sunday, February 19, 2012


I agree with Troy's point that the sexual acts two people of the same gender partake in are scrutinized and that with time and growing awareness, people are beginning to accept the less predominant sexualities. However, I feel that there is still a stigma on women's expressions of their sexualities. Even though heterosexuality and sexual preference surfaced just a few decades ago, women (no matter what sexual orientation) have always been stigmatized when it comes to expressing sexual desire. Men, on the other hand, are encouraged to explore numerous relationships and express their sexualities. For example, when a woman has multiple sexual partners, society labels her as a "slut" or "whore", while men (partaking in the same activities) are seen as "players" or "pimps". Therefore, even though the acceptance of sexual preferences is increasing, I think that the acceptance of women's outward expression of their sexuality is still being hindered.

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